RMK Designs
Custom Artistry in Wood
I design and handcraft fine furniture for clients who are looking for an alternative to mass produced furniture. Each piece that I design is a one of a kind treasure and fulfills their needs exactly. I offer exotic woods from my vast collection acquired over many years. Enjoy the photos below and feel free to contact me with any questions.
Cherry Corner Table, Woods: Cherry, Ebony
Curly Koa Coffee Table woods: Curly Koa, Koa, Ebony

Curly Koa End Table: woods: Curly Koa, Koa, Ebony
Corner Table woods: Mahogany, Crotch Mahogany, Holly, Ebony
Round Dining Table woods: Curly Koa, Ebony
Furniture Design

Furniture Design

Fine handcrafted furniture design and construction by RMK Designs.
