This project challenged us to interpret the word 'measure' in relation to paper and produce a response.
We discovered that 27 paper sizes formed the standard system in Britain's Imperial Century. This book contains every one of them, which preceded the adoption of the ISO standard in 1959. The pages are measured to exact dimensions and are orgnaised in ascending size order, beginning with the contents page. The final and largest page forms the book itself.
Each piece of paper folds out to become a poster and potentially an exhibition piece, allowing all of the paper sizes to be compared to each other.
Designed and created in collaboration with Harry Taylor.
This piece communicates a range of factors in relation to paper. The scale of the project required physical handling, reflective of the way that paper would have been handled in the time that we based our project on. The craft of cutting, folding and screen printing, with the added challenge of keeping the paper undamaged, have all added value to this project. 


A book assembled from Imperial paper sizes.
