April Fools is a puppet I made in a stop motion class. She is a REJECTED supervillain who plays pranks on people and tells really bad puns. She started out as a simple drawing, and came to life in the end. 
My puppet's biography: 
Name:  April Fools  
Superpowers: Telling bad pun jokes & pulling pranks that always fail  
What does she want? She wants to get back at everyone for making a fool out of her.  
What’s getting in her way?  Her arch nemesis is her goody-two-shoe twin sister May. She always comes after April and puts an end to her shenanigans before they succeed.   
Best Catch Phrase: I’m not jester average comedian, I put the pun in PUNCHLINES. ;)  
Biography: When April was younger, her lifelong dream was to become the best comedian in the world. During her high school talent show, she decided to do a little stand-up comedy act. She did her best, but everyone threw food at her and booed her off stage. This was a very humiliating experience for April and her dreams were crushed. She decided that if she couldn’t become the best comedian ever, she’d become the worst.
Drawn version of April
Scale chart
Puppet Schematic
Clay sculpting progress
Clay modeling completed
Foam process done (back)
Foam process done (front)
Painting process
Completed version (front)
Her hair is made of different colored felt which I had to cut out and glue on one by one. I'm not any sort of cosmetologist, but I gotta say it turned out great!
Completed Version (back)
Animation blocked out
Finished animation (stop motion)
April Fools

April Fools

My rejected supervillain April Fools
