Francesco Totti is an italian soccer player that plays for, and captains, Serie A club Roma, a club which he spent his entire career, winning a Serie A title,
two Coppa Italia titles, and two Supercoppa titles so far; He was also a important piece in Italy's 2006 FIFA World Cup squad,
a tournament where Italy were crowned champions.

He is the top goalscorer and the most capped player in Roma's history, where he played his first match back in 1992. Totti also holds the record for the youngest club captain in the history of Serie A. Given that, I felt that if there's a player today that really needs a biographical movie, that player is Totti.
So, I made a movie poster of it! :D

Thanks for appreciating!
The King of Rome


The King of Rome

Movie poster of a ficticious biography movie of Francesco Totti
