The strategy
Through simple, sophisticated and traditional styling, we explored the concept of ‘living in the real world’, or ‘analog living’ as Anders describes it. We developed a new AG79 monogram that focuses on the contrast of analog versus digital. Water and nature were identified as important elements to reference – reflecting both the origins of the brand and the analog aspect of its vision.
The ‘analog living’ ethos was central through all aspects of garment design – from the choice of organic cotton to comfort of the fit. Considering the origins of the brand, it was important AG79 apparel could be worn in the gym, after training, the change room and the local cafe.
The challenge

Following his retirement from sport, Swedish Olympic athlete Anders Gustafsson engaged Harmonica to create a new brand position for his clothing line. Having previously sold apparel at canoe sprint events, he was keen to shift the focus to a more web-based marketplace. Harmonica were tasked with incorporating his sportsperson image, personality and values into a new brand that the target market could aspire to.


Following his retirement from sport, Swedish Olympic athlete Anders Gustafsson engaged Harmonica to create a new brand position for his clothing Read More
