Christina K. Malik's profile

Monarc Brand's Web Presence

Monarc Brand 
Monarc is a bespoke clothier that blends fashion and technology to reinvent how men shop for custom menswear. We make custom clothing affordable and accessible to the mass market by offering a seamless online retail experience with Style Advisors who come to you.After extensive research and multiple trips around the world, we've built a unique custom experience that allows men to purchase quality and great fitting clothing from the comfort of their home or office.
_ With Monarc's re-branding, the re-creation of a more professional, fresh, subtle, yet bold visual approach to Monarc's web presence was the goal. Through the course of my internship, I was able to design, photograph, organize, and mockup the updated website (more specifically, the upcoming 'Summer Casual Shirts' line).
_​ Icon re-designs 
Monarc Brand's Web Presence