Anem Syed's profile

Kinetic Typography - Woody Allen Film Festival

This motion piece was created as a class assignment for Digital Design in Motion. The brief was to select a director and use type only to promote his film festival.
I selected Woody Allen as the director to showcase. Almost all of his films' opening titles are black and white, and he sticks to the typeface Windsor. To create a complementary look and feel I created my piece in black and white as well. However, to translate the light-hearted, refreshing nature of his films, I went for an organic, light, handdrawn typeface which incidentally is named Windsor Hand. 
The three films I shortlisted were shot in three different European countries. Like most of his films, they reflected on art, culture, history and love. I wanted to set a similar tone through copy, music, pacing and type animation. 
Simultaneously, in Typography's class we created two posters for the same festival, using type only.
To embody the overall design language of the festival, both posters were designed in black and white. Both had its unique festival name. The second poster used the signature Woody Allen typeface - Windsor. I aimed to add a light hearted feel to the design through playful type arrangment so it resonates with Woody Allen's films. His films are comedic yet intellectual. The characters often engage in intelligent conversations on art, life, love and culture. So I wanted the design to be fun but also sophisticated.
Process posters.
Kinetic Typography - Woody Allen Film Festival

Kinetic Typography - Woody Allen Film Festival

Kinetic Typography and Posters for the Woody Allen Film Festival
