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Discovery channel rebrand

Discovery Channel is dedicated to creating the highest quality non-fiction content that informs and entertains its consumers about the world in all its wonder, diversity and amazement. Offering a signature mix of compelling, highend production value and vivid cinematography across diverse genres including science and technology, exploration, adventure, history and in-depth, behind-the-scenes glimpses at the people, places and organizations that shape and share our world. Discovery Channel sells itself as a nonfictional high quality channel providing educational programs that focus on popular science, technology, and history. Its image among viewers is that of a trust-worthy source of information about science, the natural world, and technological advances. A new logo and visual identity system is needed to allow for a better communication of the the channels ethos, and appeal to its current target audience.

The Discovery logo has evolved over the years, but has always had some element of the world, or globe as part of it. the latest version of the logo is a much more contemporary. The new typography is, interesting. The overall spacing of the word is well resolved, it feels tight and cohesive, but when you start looking at the details, the thing starts to fall apart. The “co” pair definitely starts to look like a double-o. The globe is respectably well integrated: It’s almost the same size as the “o”, it’s not too intrusive, and it’s actually a pretty rendering of our humble abode.

The globe works to express what the channel stands for…the idea of bringing the world to people’s living rooms. This image is both powerful and simple and appears to speak to people around the world. This popular channel manages to both entertain and educate. The globe however is not really a simple and clever design element, as it is a pretty realistic photographic representation of the world, which means trhat it has A LOT of detail that doesn’t necessarily reduce well, but on the other hand, The Discovery Channel, is a screem or digital medium, and so the logo would never really be reduced to a small point size, and because of this, it work well for the intended programming and brand. this world element has also been incorporated very well into their current stings and schedule fillers, using a slightly rounded shape, with the world moving in it. they use a powerful male voice over to tell viewers what is coming next, this helps portray their mood as both serious and fun. the colour elements of the res of the logo are very simple, plain single colour text, to avoid distraction from the focal element, the globe. 
Because of all of these reason it can be seen that the logo needs to be updated, and changed to more accurately represent the ethos of the brand. The exploded letterform showcases the construction of the letter and the different pieces that makes up a letter form.

The stings used an animated approach showing the separation of a USB, Breaks, Train and knife, as the combination best represented the diversity of the programmes of the discovery channel, but also represent the idea of discovering what things are made of and how they work.
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Discovery channel rebrand

Discovery channel rebrand

A rebrand of the current discovery channel with all required elements for broadcast
