Sandra Kleinwechter's profile

O - an app to fall in love with.

a venture, prototype, test and make it market ready.

O - a mobile app, introducing a new way of dating, solely based on your voice and who you are, rather than how you look like. 


Some still believe we can find our soulmate through a picture. But we are more than our looks. We don’t fall in love because of a body mass index, but because of the way someone makes us feel and the way someone makes us laugh. O offers the user a new way of experiencing another person. The voice carries more than just words. It tells us where someone might come from, how this person feels, if we can trust this person and what this person aims for.


Ask a question. Start a conversation.

A constant conversation is encouraged thorughout the app, as the user can only use O by answering a question from another user and slowly build their profile . People represent themselves not with how they look, what they wear and other possibilities to create a false picture of themselves, but with their voice, their accent and what they have to say. A natural icebreaker is the possibility to ask another person about what they talked about, from their latest movie experience, their funniest story or simply their sense of humor. I myself met my boyfriend online and for the first three months we didn’t had a picture from each other. I had no idea how tall he was, what color his hair was. Fairly quickly we switched from writing to night-long phone calls and fell in love already through each other’s sense of humor, passionate discussions about life, movies or hobbies. Now 10 years later, we are still kicking and I strongly believe that the way we met - on a level where it was more about who we are, rather than only how we look like - created a stronger base. We became friends first and then lovers. Now, in a world where we swipe left or right on the search for love, we get often disappointed by fake, outdated or wrong impressions of a person in the virtual world. But the voice can’t put on Makeup or High Heels. No more akward moments on first dates, no more lame pickup lines because we don’t know what to say. O is for those who believe in fate and are adventurous enough to try something new. Something that could swipe them off their feet and change their life upside down.

Every voice is unique. Every visual is, too.

Our voice is as unique as a fingerprint. And what we have to say, too. To visualise the invisible O  is build on generative Design. A code to let the user’s voice draw a picture with their unique voice and what they say with it. Every recording is one-of-a-kind as we are and the app creates a unique visual. The lines grow in their amount, the ratio of thick to thin lines varies with each new recording and underlines the flow of a voice. The aim of O’s visualisation is to entertain, but not to distract from listening.


To promote O the app invites relationship coaches to create their own channel with weekly podcasts, offers poster of the user’s voice visualised and plans on silent-disco-single parties. Follow us on social media @weareotheapp and be among the first to discover what a picture can’t tell. Or listen what Leland Maschmeyer, Brian Collins, Willy Wong, Sarah DaVanzo and other fellow Designers have to say about meeting that special someone and what really matters, in the Promo-Spot below. This spot shows how the generative Design reacts to voices (and that the code is already up and running).

Oddly enough, our talent for sight can blind us to unique qualities of another person. We judge them in a blink. Because we can see them, we assume we know them. But do we? O explores the creation of identity and attraction through voice. It offers the listener a fascinating experience in discovering a stranger through their inflection, rhythm, word choice, and accents. The eyes may be windows into the soul. But, as O reveals to us, voice is the door to one's spirit." 

- Leland Maschmeyer
Chief Creative Officer & Partner at Collins New York, teaches in the School of Visual Arts masters program, is a Campaign "Global 30 Under 30," and served on the board of the AIGA/NY between 2014 and 2016. &

"One of the most alluring videos I have seen this years is a gem of simplicity design by Sandra Kleinwechter to promoted her voice-only sock a media site O. here cloudlike formations of vocal data viz transcenet the expected closeup of speech or speech balloons. in addition to functionality the abstract image carries the day."

- Steven Heller,
co-chair MFA design, wrote various bestseller books about Design, writes regularly for the Atlantic and the New York Times

This project became part of a global campaign by Adobe:

O on top of the....rock.
O - an app to fall in love with.

O - an app to fall in love with.

O is a mobile app, introducing a new way of dating, solely based on your voice and who you are, rather than how you look like. An App to fall in Read More
