Stylization of Devnagari letters

A stylization of the script can be done by various ways. A style can be created by changing the skeleton or the outline of the letter and by maintaining that change visually in all other characters. Even a slight change in specific part of all characters can create a style. Here, the motive of the project was to create a ‘Devanagari’ style inspired from the structure and outline of the calligraphic key letter. The key letter was the result of the inspiration taken from voice texture of the song.
To develop any style, it needs a base. And for thisassignment our Key Letter became our base. The process for selection of that key letter is:
A. Listening to the exemplary song
we started the process by listening an exemplary song i.e. ‘What a wonderful world’ by Louis Armstrong.
B. Collecting songs with different voice textures
Here, it was required to collect various songs having different voices means singers voice quality and texture. Different voice textures had different moods which directly and indirectly create an impact on us. So here, at the time of listening songs, feeling the sound andunderstanding the texture of voice was important. Words and meaning of them was not considered.
C. Group listening
In the class, we all sit together to listen all songs for 10-15 sec. each, to understandvarious voice textures.
D. Practical 
Before beginning Practical, material preparation was done. In which, it was required to have various tools, surfaces, and mediums. Tool which gives dimension to the line i.e. Calligraphic tool, Monolinear tool etc.
On the basis of songs which were listen before, this practical was given.
After this, a Devanagri letter was selected for getting various visual possibilities in which were conditioned to
have Black and White possibilities with various tools and surfaces where structure of letter remains same. Letter had to be drawn to get different possibilities which represents the voice textures in it.
Various calligraphic expressions of Devnagari letter 'ka' (क)
Selected letters from which final key letter will be selected
After selecting five possible letterforms, one letterform was spot out which was visually more interesting along with interesting
structure and further helped to develop style.
I have chosen the following letterform.
Selected key letter, style of it is followed for the rest character.
Skeleton of letters with shape wise grouping
To understand the key letter,it’s skeleton was drawn which is a linear form, follows the shape of the key letter from inside, and then according to that skeleton, other letters i.e. Set of letters was drawn in shape similarity mannerism.
Skeleton helped to get idea about stylizing other letters and helped to understand readability issue.
Fine tuning final letter set with Barakhadi.
All the above letters were drawn with a proper grid to maintain the proportion. after this, the problem ofreadability was reduced at
certain level.
Application of stylized letters  
Stylization of Devnagari letters

Stylization of Devnagari letters

The project is about stylization of devnagari letters, full of experimenting and expressing yourself.
