These intricate and colorful stamps commemorate the ancient Book of Kells. Inspired by my love for art history, the Book of Kells is an illuminated gospal manuscript written in Latin made c. 800, and is said to be written by angels (no really angels). The book took years to make and was a collaboration of a few villages (monks and metal smiths) in Ireland region. My stamps were inspired by theĀ Chiā€“Rho page (see below), as well as the Island of Iona in which the book was originally created. The funnest part about designing this stamp panel was when I got to draw and experiment with different illustrations. I traced some illustrations from the book and combined with my own. After sketching all of my illustrations to use for the stamps I scanned them and made them into vector art. I purposely left the sketches a bit rough to give the audience a feeling of the intense labor and struggle it took to keep the Book of KellsĀ alive. Many pages in this book were left empty and uncolored due to Viking attacks.
Island of Iona, Inspiration

Chi-Rho page from the Book of Kells
Book of Kells

Book of Kells

These intricate and colorful stamps commemorate the ancient Book of Kells. The book is an illuminated gospal manuscript written in Latin made c. Read More
