A proposed identity for the CSR program of Indonesian oldest bottled water producer — its universal visual qualities are made to integrate thoroughly into the nation's deepest, furthest nooks and crooks. Honored to have been awarded as the runner up in "Lokakarya Rerancang Identitas AQUA Lestari" which was held by Desain Grafis Indonesia in January 2015. 
The wordmark — a minimal logotype, rid of any decoration, symbolises the program's transparency
Implementation of AQUA Lestari identity — an example of how the program integrates itself among the people of Indonesia, even in the nation's furthest corners
Bottles and bottle caps are made of entirely different material, thus the norm of recycling: caps should be removed and thrown into the garbage.
This also removes any liquid or air left inside, which fastens the recycling process. But why waste the caps?
AQUA Lestari could use them as promotional tools such as billboards or signages, bypassing the traditional printed material
Graphical ecobag, made from AQUA Lestari's lettermark — suitable as a merchandise for the CSR program and for creating new job opportunities through a neighborhood production line. Decreasing Indonesia's number of unemployment is one of the ways AQUA can give back to the community
AQUA Lestari

AQUA Lestari

Reviewed on http://dgi.or.id/read/news/liputan-tahap-presentasi-dan-penjurian-rerancang-identitas-aqua-lestari.html Photography by Marty Bushue
