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"It is happening again..and again" Twin Peaks

"It is happening again...and again" 2016
Editiorial piece on the Twin Peaks Tv Series Return event.

Almost glad I waited so long to watch it, haven't had to wait on that cliffhanger so long.
Didn't much care for Jocey's 'exit' so I figured I'd switch her for Lynch. Plus the log is supposed to have all the answers ;)
Tried to get a repetition optical illusion using the Duckman as the anchor/ the viewer's POV (hence why I have giant plumes of steam from the cup, above a hidden to the point of superfluous Laura Palmer reflection. Ah well)
I know there isnt a duckman in any Peaks stuff, but what with Lost Highway allegedly being in the same universe, I figure why not the PS2 "Third Place" ads as well. Who doesn't get a Black lodge kinda vibe from them!?
"It is happening again..and again" Twin Peaks


"It is happening again..and again" Twin Peaks

Fan art of the television show/franchise 'Twin Peaks' in celebration of the new series
