Welcome to my Photography Page
Bellow are a few of my best photographs that i have taken, each with there own story. All of these photos were taken with a Canon 600d T3i
In this shot i aimed to capture the beautiful green grass at my school campus, I did this by using a wide angle lens with a Shutter speed at 1/320, F5.0, ISO 200.
In this shot i aimed to capture the subject out of focus and his hands in focus, I did this by using a wide angle lens with a Shutter speed at 1/22, F5.0, ISO 400.
In this shot i aimed to capture a great deal of depth in this shot, I did this by using a Macro lens with a Shutter speed at 1/350, F5.0, ISO 200.
In this shot i aimed to capture the light that a sparkle produces when lit, I achieved this by using a wide angle lens with a Exposure time of 30 seconds 
In this shot i aimed to capture the colours in the nearby surroundings with the main focal point on the skater "Guy Vears", I did this by using a wide angle lens with a Shutter speed at 1/250, F8.0, ISO 100.


In this portfolio i showcase some of my most loved pieces of photography. Some of them are available for sale in the form of a print.
