Sheroes was a monthly limited-run art party series bringing together on and offline works that playfully and performatively explored the iconography and cultures of fandom surrounding an ever-expanding "League of Legendary Ladies". Based in Toronto, the series curated specially commissioned performances, sounds,installations & visuals

 Participating artists and attendees at each Sheroes event receive collectible trading cards for the relevant Shero. These trading cards evoke comic book and sports trading cards, featuring two images of the Shero along with factoids and a short bio authored by me.
 I have worked professionally in the 3D broadcast design and Flash animation industries, and held stop-motion animation workshops around Ontario, but I was comparatively new to the world of GIF animation and completely blown away by the work that was being done internationally (an incredible and high-profile sampling of which can be seen each month at Sheroes) in the area of Net Art, so I consider my humble contributions to the Sheroes events thrilling explorations.
Sheroes: Virtual Season is an all-day culmination of the Sheroes 2011-2012 season. Co-presented with the Whippersnapper Gallery and held on July 29 at P.S. Kensington in Toronto, the event will see as many as 5000 visitors stop in to enjoy live and DJ'd music, performances, dancing, art and digital art projections. When it came time to design a logo for this special event, I aimed to leverage the loud primary colours of my Sheroes logo by combining it with a mix of the slickness of late-nineties 3D broadcast aesthetic design, the gaudiness and freneticness of late-nineties GIFs and net art, femininity and a Latin American folksiness. A truly mad synthesis, but I think I succeeded.


Examples of GIF animation, photography and graphic design work done in conjunction with my high-level involvement with Sheroes, a monthly multidi Read More
