Andrew Graham's profile

The Cardinal and Cream

The Cardinal and Cream was a publication I worked for during their Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 issues. I was the head design editor, working over a small team. I worked with other designers and photographers to help create the winner of the Best News Magazine in the South by the South East Journalism Conference. My job was to create the layout using the images, text, and other assets that I and the other team members produced. We worked very hard in a small time frame(the design work was all done in about two weeks), and created a work that we were all very proud of. I ended up winning 3rd Best Designer in the South for my work on the 2015 magazine. The best part about this project was being able to work with a team to create something that would be very difficult for one person to make. We all worked very hard in our respective fields, and together were able to create an enjoyable news experience.
The Cardinal and Cream

The Cardinal and Cream

This was a great project that a lot of people helped with. Doing the layout and main design of the magazine was a joy, and working with the team Read More
