Crystal Sin Ting Lau's profile

Social Media Marketing

The following pictures show some of the graphic designs I've done for my promotional writing course at City University of Hong Kong. The course requires us to develop a marketing campaign for a brand/product. Our group has chosen to develop a social media marketing campaign for a limited collection of sports shoes by Nike and Marvel's movie Captain America: Civil War. The images were created to aid our presentation and demonstrate how the promotional campaign would be executed (ie. billboard promotions, Social media promotions, bus / public transport promotions etc).

You can read the full PowerPoint presentation here:
Bus promotion.
Billboard promotion.
Public transport promotion. (MTR stations - Hong Kong Station)
Promotional graphics.
Promotional graphics.
Social media promotions - Snapchat. Live stories.
Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

These graphics were part of a marketing coursework for a Promotional Writing course at City University of Hong Kong.
