This was a college project where I had to create informative graphic design material from a typical Chilean festivity. I chose Tapati festivity of the Eastern Island, located in the Pacific Ocean far away from the continent. This Rapanui culture is very different from the rest of Chile, they have their own believes, rituals and ways of expressions that captured my attention. Therefore, I did my research on this festivity, and I create an illustrated poster and colourful brochures that reflected their distinct way of being.
Afiche Tapati / Tapati Poster
Folletos Informativos / Tapati Brochure
Afiche y folletos impresos / Poster and brochures printed
Gráficas Tapati

Gráficas Tapati

Proyecto realizado para Taller Gráfico, acerca de la celebración Nacional Pascuense, Tapati / This proyect was about a national celebration in Ea Read More
