Negel Vasser: At night before sleep prepare a cup of water and an empty basin and place it beside.  wash the right hand until the wrist and then the left hand; repeat, and then repeat again. Say the blessing: Blessed are you, Lrd our Gd, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us concerning the washing of the hands.
Dress Code: Modesty customs dicate the dress code for women.Wear sleeves extending at least to the elbow, The Neckline should not show any collarbones,
Skirt and dresses long enough to cover knees.
Tights, socks and stockings are encouraged. 
Shoes. Thus, the process for putting on shoes is as follows: put on the right shoe (without lacing), put on the left shoe, lace the left shoe, and then lace the right shoe.
Eating Kosher
No mixing meat and dairy. After you eat meat you have to wait 6 hours to eat / drink dairy. After dairy you only have to wait half hour before you eat meat.
Dairy products must derive from kosher animals.

Blessings: Bread, Bagels: Blessed are You, L-rd our Gd, King of the Universe, Who brings forth bread from the earth.
Always wash hands before touching bread. 

For all fruits from permanent trees, such as apples, oranges, and peaches, even if these fruits are dried; also grapes, raisins, and all nuts (except peanuts, which are a legume):
Blessed are You, L-rd our Gd, King of the 
Universe, Who creates the fruit of the tree.
The only types of meat that may be eaten are cattle and game that have “cloven hooves” and “chew the cud.” Kosher animals are bulls, cows, sheep, lambs, goats, veal, and springbok.Only fish with fins and scales may be eaten, for instance, tuna, salmon, and herring. Shellfish such as shrimps, crabs, mussels, and lobsters are forbidden.
On cakes, cereals, cookies, cupcakes, doughnuts, and pasta
Blessed are You, L-rd our Gd, King of the 
Universe, Who creates various kinds of sustenance
Nails: When cutting fingernails there is a kabbalistic idea that you should not cut two next to each other in a row. Rather you should begin with the ring finger of your left hand followed by the index finger, then the pinky of your left hand, the middle finger, then the thumb . Then the right hand – index, ring, thumb, middle and finally the pinky. There is also an idea that you should not cut your fingernails and your toenails on the same day. 
 Nails should be flushed down the toilet or burn.
Niddah: is a Hebrew term describing a woman during menstruation and is associated with an state of impurity.
Celebrate Sabbath: a day of religious observance and abstinence from work from Friday evening to Saturday evening. Use of any electronics ( including using trains as a means of transportation) is disencoraged. Writing is also forbidden. Celebration included songs, insights of the Torah and a feast.
Cleaning the House before Passover:  give your home a thorough, top-to-bottom, cleaning. Vacuum the carpets and floors, wipe clean the cupboards and bookshelves. 
Celebrate Passover : A commemoration of their liberation by God from slavery in Egypt and their freedom as a nation under the leadership of Moses. A review of the ten plagues takes place. 


Jew-ish is a collaboration project that intended to explore submission, what happens when I chose to surrender to an outer source to determine th Read More


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