Karan Bhatia's profile

Misc. Jotted Down Ideas

Before After ad, but in before the woman has covered her face with a book, purse or just by ghunghat or burka, in after ad smiling face
LUX 75 years poster 
The poster is a visual list of professional camera models that have usually been used by photographers and journalists over the last 75 years. The line under says "75 YEARS OF LUX" 

Int. Aircraft
Hot girl gets up with a sideways glance and goes to the plane loo
behind the curtain. Guy follows shortly confidently. Then 10 seconds
of heavy turbulence. Every one is shaken up except the couple who come
out smiling, satiated and adjusting their clothes. KS Rumbler Condoms.
The idea here is that you first see bluish sky with lots of bright stars but they twinkle and all like diamonds, then one hand comes and plucks a star out, as we zoom out to see a sorting table with diamonds and the diamond sorter. It was the table with the bluish cloth and diamonds that looked like the blue night time sky with stars.

In the end during zoom out the logo is seen near the hand from top view of the table which forms the blue dark bg for our site.
just like the merc skid marks ad, we can also show skid marks on the road, and far far away, straght in the line of sight of the skid marks, we can see an intimidating SUV on the road. the moment people look at the SUV they brake in caution, thats the idea. line could be "Tata Aria - Too Powerful"
Film opens on a table fan on a study table facing slightly upwards. The fan is running full speed (whirrrrr sound) and so is the ceiling fan. Guy comes and switches of the table fan. It slows down, but on the ceiling, the ceiling fan also seems to be slowing down. It not only stops but starts rotating in the opposite direction.

Khaintan Table Fans - Nothing is faster.
 Axe should put 10 axe-guys that sit with score boards next to competitions like syncronised springboard and others water realted where really pretty atheletes perform and are scored 1 to 10 by the actual on-the-floor judges, so these axe guys will be showing their scores simulatenously and care would be done to try and give more score to girls who perform bad in the actual scores, sort of balancing, sort of lessening their discomfort at losing or coming last, coz hey they're all in swimsuts, they're all hot, any guy that tells that that, it's gotta be credible

the other idea, of Euro RSCG India or South Asia releasing a blank ad (or one with just the line "We've changed our name") and then in the agency-key-number area the name Euro RSCG is struck and next to it Havas Worldwide takes it's place. It would really be a cool ad, i suggest quarter page to as optimum size for good impact, coz white space calls out for some surrounding ad clutter (the white-space's white-space, whiteception eyyy) i.e. those boring cluttered ads (70% of all ads) will act as a catalyst making the reader read this ad which is almost blank and the only words are in the right-bottom-corner area where people usually see the name of an ad-agency. So lots of normal people who have no idea of even what Ogilvy or DDB is, will know that Euro RSCG a prestigious ad agency has changed it's name to HAVAS Worldwide. That's just what's required! I only knew one ex CD at Euro Mumbai Mr. Ashok Karnik, i think he is with ignitee the digital arm i guess part of Havas. Or who is the person who should be told about this ad? Since V&S is also Havas, could you please try and use the company corporate emails to send this idea(attached too) to the right person - like a CD in Mumbai or Delhi?

coz u know, not putting your agency logo even means you know the business - all your audience/clients direct indirectly related to advertising and media, know your real worth through the agency key number, even if they are a voice over artist, they too see a good print ad and they judge the agency by looking at their key number, in India key numebrs still exist but many agencies dont put their initials just put numbers now like JWT (but that i feel is because the work is so so-so coz they just give the client what he thinks he needs, which is easy, instead of what he really needs) but i mean, an agency does not need to put their logo in an ad, their key number is their logo and mark of quality-guarantee, and we have a fanstastic opportunity to do such an ad
Brand: Oudescence
What?: Oud Oil Perfume/Fragrance

For your banner (also works as a visual concept for FB/Twitter cover page, an ad, a poster, a billboard/hoarding) - show a tiny premium bottle of oud, standing straight, but all around it perfume bottles of various typical perfume bottle shapes, big and small, lying sideways in a circle, as if in obeisance to the power of oud


Subheadline "Oud - the Queen of Fragrances"

For the website design theme & design imagery, please see the attached images - basically your brief to the web designer for the UI, elements and backdrop should be "Liquid Smoke".
TVC idea - a hot woman wearing corporate wear catwalks through an office and all the smoke detectors go buzzing off and the water sprinklers start spraying water, because they detected heat below. Line "Too Hot To Handle, Corporate Wear by ABC"
What is Facebook? I mean, really, what is it? It's the advertising supplement mini-newspaper that you forcefully get with your morning newspaper, at its core. Do people like the stuff liked by their friends on FB? They do, and they share it further. But they hate the advertising supplement and bin it first thing in the morning. Most people have their friends list public, most people share posts by all kinds of names and brands (which are basically ads, as everyone is trying to sell something). So why not give each person, in a target geographical area, newspaper advertising inserts, that do not contain anything apart from brands/ads of the stuff shared by their friends publicly. The newspaper will have no paid advertising, ads will be generated custom for each person/household based on the public data on FB, there will be a phone number/QR code under each ad (posts), besides the price and the Facebook public profile photo of the friend who recommended (shared) the brand/ad/post/product. The company will collect & sell the "interested in buying" information sent to it through QR code scans by the readers or calls of them wanting to buy, if a local company sells the product being shared on fb (thus printed in the FaceAds paper) they can pay a monthly subscription to have their details printed under the ad.
Misc. Jotted Down Ideas


Project Made For

Misc. Jotted Down Ideas

Short jotted down on paper, in sms, email, app, notepad, scribbled, drawn ideas
