A 14.5" x 11" inch project inspired by the book "The Long Earth" by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter.

I was fascinated by the underlying premise of the book that there exists infinite parallel “Earths” and that a method of traversing through these infinite universes is discovered. Each universe is unique in it's own way, some radically so, and naturally, adventure, chaos and drama ensues. 
Multiverse - "The Long Earth" inspired poster - 14.5" x 11"
When developing the concept for this project, I focused on the idea of multiple universes being dimensional planes, which I represented with varying rectangles throughout the piece. And that the characters, particularly the main characters Joshua and Lobsang, move into and out of these planes, and this traversal allows them (and those like them) to become both separate and a part of these wonderfully (and sometimes frighteningly) diverse universes.
Below are the early stages of the project: ink drawings and pencil sketches.
An animation of the project as it progressed:
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A personal project inspired by "The Long Eath", a book by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter
