Hand-held razor inspired by the work of Salvador Dali.
RAiZOR is a sleek and stylish hand-held razor inspired by the artist Salvador Dali. It was designed as part of a second year University project in which the brief was to study the artist and create a contemporary product that takes direct inspiration from his works. 

The body of the product is made form high quality polished titanium. This gives the RAiZOR a sleek look with a high quality finish. The replaceable head features a triple bladed design for a precise and close shave and simply clicks in and out of the two prongs of the body. 

The long, thin, double fork design of the RAiZOR was inspired by the elephants Dali often portrayed in his paintings (such as 'The Elephants'). In these paintings Dali has depicted elephants with long thin legs. Elephants obviously need to have strong legs to hold their weight, so the sight of Dali's elephants give a surreal impression that these long thin legs would be much stronger than they look. This has been replicated in the RAiZOR, with the fork giving a fragile look, but being made form titanuim they are in actual fact extremely strong.



Second year University project. Salvador Dali inspired razor.
