In the throw-away culture of America, a landfill serves as a haunting metaphor for the postindustrial dilemma. It is a locus of decay, the residual of systemic greed and excess, a politically layered sites where relics from our past rot. The accelerating rate products are consumed, replaced, burned up and thrown out put an inexplicable strain on the environment. The outdated technology and absence of regulation found in the constellation of landfills I visited over the last few months is in part a result of the sheer amount of waste needed to be processed on a daily basis. The glut of commodities and “crisis of over-accumulation” has spurred an un-satiable appetite for falsification and social construction of value- especially in the world’s richest fifth which accounts for 86% of consumption expenditures. The illusion hinging happiness on consumption has consequences that manifest in toxic mountains shielded from public view. As a result, the residual of our consumption is rarely reflected upon. This ignorance is no longer a haven to bliss, but rather a threat to sustainability. Thus, the intent for this body of work is to generate a sense of social consciousness through de-contextualizing waste.
Fresh Kills

Fresh Kills

In the throw-away culture of America, a landfill serves as a haunting metaphor for the postindustrial dilemma. It is a locus of decay, the residu Read More


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