The theme for this project was "place." The idea of our bodies being a place in which we spend our entire lives interested me, so I decided to explore it further.

The temple is a play on words of, "My body is a temple." It is constantly being built and added to, not only by the person inhabiting it, but by the people around them. It's broad in the beginning, as are an individual's interests and outlooks in life, and slowly narrows towards the peak—drawing a connection to a person figuring out what they will be in the world.
The cogs represent things working together and being connected. If one thing breaks down, others will follow, but at the same time they will rise to the challenge and maintain balance. The moving of gears made me think of the mind and how it's constantly turning and processing information.
The "Vitruvian Man" created by Leonardo Da Vinci is based on the correlations of ideal human proportions, directly relating to the place I am discussing. I interpreted the shapes as containers. The square is solid, physical—a body. The circle is comforting, encompassing—the mind.


You don't have a soul you are a soul you have a body


Creative Fields