Culinary creation with packaging and branding
When ever asked "If you weren't a designer, what would you be doing?" My answer comes easily to me; I'd be a cook. A  partner and I made a sweet chile sauce when we got back from London, but we wanted it to be devoid of any asian style in its branding. This is presented as the new "American" condiment. Its bold purple lables will stand out in the condiment aisle of your grocery store.
Zauce is a sweet chile sauce that comes in  3 flavors: Original, Tropical, and Sesame Ginger.
 Tropical is made with mango, pineapple, and papaya, as well as Habanero peppers to give it quite a kick. This is the spiciest flavor of Zauce.
The 4 oz jars are perfect for sampling.. In fact, if you order all three, they come at a discounted price.


The brief was to create a product and then develop packaging or advertising for it.
