For our 2nd Year Image Making module we were given the brief of "lyrics". Pick lyrics from a song of our choosing and create 8 images based on those lyrics. I chose White Winter Hymnal by Fleet Foxes. 
I decided, after really looking at the imagery in the lyrics, that it depicted be-headings, maybe from the French Revolution. But what I really found interesting was that "Michael" was sentenced to death after he "turned round" and stopped following the pack. What I decided to take from this was to create a bunch of characters, characters that belonged to a certain clique/pack/stereotype...the hipster, the art student, the emo and create a scenario where they did some small little thing which went against the workings of the group and therefore had to die a slightly ironic death, while keeping the beheading imagery in many of the final pieces.
"I was following the pack, all swallowed in their coats
With scarves of red tied 'round their throats
To keep their little heads from falling in the snow, 
and I turned 'round and there you go
And Michael, you would fall and turn the
white snow red as strawberries in the summertime"

Here lies what is left of Betty, Betty was far too behind her arty friends in making a trip to Dublin Vintage Factory to buy a kilo of other peoples' clothes so they decided to use her for one of their life drawing classes.

Naomi here may have had a perfect hun bun but when she stopped eating spice bags, drinking naggins and shopping in Penneys her fellow huns turned on her. 

Here lies Andy, a vegan who went a day without telling everyone he was a vegan so was he really a vegan?

Rebecca, a coeliac ate a slice of bread today. On her death guillotine she posted a selfie on instagram "PSA this is what happens when I eat Gluten"

Roger's friends put his record player to good use after they spotted him drinking instant, non-organic coffee."

Eamonn here had one too many cheat days this week and not alone is he not allowed back into the gym but he can't post snapchats at the gym, post photos of his meal prep, buy anymore whey protein powder and has been sentenced to death.

This is Emma, Emma horrified her friends and wore a bright yellow jumper one day, she of course had to go. Not even her doc martins survived.

"To Keep their Little Heads from Falling in the Snow"

White Winter Hymnal

White Winter Hymnal

For our 2nd Year Image Making module we were given the brief of "lyrics". Pick lyrics from a song of our choosing and create 8 images based on th Read More
