Simon O'Neill's profile

Simply Mortgages - Press & Radio

Simply Mortgages

I did these series of ads for Simply Mortgages with Dublin agency Ocean (now reborn as io - back in January 2006. The idea was to place full page spreads in the press when people were thinking about how they'd pay for their Christmas splurge.

Simply Mortgages went into liquidation on the 16th November 2010 but it was nothing to do with me (honest)! I hadn't worked on the brand in four years, had emigrated to Dubai and then returned to live in Dublin by that stage. As such, I suppose these ads stand as a little time capsule of the type of work agencies were cranking out back during the height of our false "boom".

So why include them in my portfolio? Well, I scanned the scamps I did with the trusty Pentel Sign pen and they give a good indication of how an idea goes from a scrawl on a pad to a finished piece - be it a web banner, press ad, radio script or whatever.
Being able to do quick line drawing like these saves a good bit of time in the early stages.

And here's the radio ad that accompanied the press...
Simply Mortgages - Press & Radio

Simply Mortgages - Press & Radio

Two print ads (with my original scamps) and the supporting radio commercial (which I also wrote).


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