Fernanda Alface, 20, fashion designer, part in his collection "permea" the rescue of the instinctive nature of man to fragments of holistic education based on an organic perspective symbolized by childhood as social seed. 

This way, she creates a slow-fashion collection - guided by the slow-life concept - for children 7 to 14 years, which contrasts purity, brutality and daring spirit through key pieces ranging from big shirts and large tank tops, to overalls and shorts - always light and comfortable, so that values ​​freedom of movement inherent in this the second period. Made with organic cotton fabric in your natural color, the pieces are given in cheerful colors stamps ocean reasons - carved craftsmanship in wood in the woodcut technique - in the printing, which is made with natural dyes by Etno Botânica. 

Part of the creative process was her trip to south of Bahia, between the calm beaches of Taipu de Fora and the brute strength of the Atlantic Forest preserved virgin in Itacaré, where the waves, the freshness of the fruit, the coconut and cocoa had made her overflowing inspiration and freedom. About freedom, that is how "permea" children are seen: with time, space and always in contact with nature. 

On the beach, in the forest or garden, they show us that life is movement, energy! They love nature, and germinate confident in a society where an evolutionary revolution is synchronic effect of all love emanating from its pure wild essence!
Wild seeds of love are also warriors who lightly dance and vibrate toward the sunlight, capturing and transmuting it into their own evolution, which vibrates easy smiles. the vital energy of childhood is preserved motion incentives and contact with pure air, sea water, sand, wet earth, sun and the instinctive daring spirit that has the child. Therefore, the fertility of tomorrow will be the result of free soil where germinate those seeds that pervade our society. "Permea" is a torrential rain to water them with hope.
Full of energy and courage, they are seen walking trails, climbing the trees to pick fresh fruit from the tree, running in the sand search for good waves, dancing on the grass or meditating on stones. The contact with nature is made responsible for watering this childhood with fertile understanding of unity in the universe. Note, tranquility, health care and movement coexist in harmony, vibrating beautiful learnings light way, but intense.
Fluid like water, strong as roots, fresh as the breeze, intense like a dance. The dynamic energy field where "permea" children are, hovers continuously by Mother Nature, providing free connection of time and space to enjoy and full interaction of these seeds that permeate purity and integrity this soil organic evolution.
The rescue of simplicity through the slow-life global trend appears in large, comfortable modeling with simple cuts - retaking the importance to have freedom of movement in childhood. The contact with nature, in turn, is represented by ocean themes present in cheerful colors in the wood prints of jellyfish, sea biscuit, scallop shell, seaweed and fish. Thus, shorts, big shirts, jumpsuits and overalls with minimalist and made of organic fabric footprint bring breathe freshness to small tiny seeds germinating life and energy with authenticity.
Feet running in the sand, sea water that purifies the soul, a morning at the beach, birds flying in the sky, wet earth smell, fresh fruit falling from the trees. All vital energy that the contact with mother nature provides from each fragment to fully make up are inspiring in their shapes and colors that harmonize the collection "permea" through vivid marine prints.
An aesthetic paradoxically light and rustic melds sustainability to compose a brief collection of materials grid, which has as protagonist the piquet organic cotton mesh in their own raw tone, alluding to purity and child organicity. This, in comfortable pieces like shorts, large shirts, overalls and coveralls, receives natural dying stamping in woodcut craft stamps (arrays carved in wood), as well as subtle closures with buttons carved from coconut husk and finishes in the legs with elastic internal large - again emphasizing the comfort and the child's freedom of movement. Moorings at the waist are made of cotton cord, referring brutality and strenght that preserves a curious child when in contact with nature.
Carimbos de xilogravura talhados artesanalmente com madeiras encontradas na praia.
Note about prospects for the fashion world:

What can we do to change the future of fashion? The slow-fashion movement may be the solution. Against the industrial and massive clothes´s production, the slow-fashion advocates the creation of seasonless pieces, made with natural and durable fabrics and dying, as well as production on a small scale and in locations that function more like studios than as industries .Than I ask you, who made your clothes?
Fotografia e colagem para revista OCTA Mag.
Fotografia e colagem para revista OCTA Mag.
Performance BIO-ACT no desfile OCTA Fashion


The children's collection "permea" addresses the insertion of lowsumerism in education, rescuing the importance of movement in contact with natur Read More
