Caner Ozakar's profile

Confrontation of Acquired Norms - Reset Exhibition

Confrontation of Acquired Norms
Interactive Installation, Social Experiment Project
Reset Exhibition, 2016, santralistanbul
Project Description
Queer Theory questions gender mainstreaming, sexual orientation, sexual practices; womanhood, manhood; masculinity, femininity; Heteronormative system's perception of normal and structure of normality. One of those norms is that gender is binary; it consists of only man/male and woman/female. This project aims that questioning the Heteronormativity's problematic womanhood/manhood definition and system's effects on our perception, with confronting people with their reactions towards not "normal". 

How The System Works
The structure is made with 2 screens and a webcam. The 1st screen, which has a webcam on it, plays a collage video about Women/Men made by me with the help of Queer Theory and the 2nd one shows the people's reactions towards to the video playing on the first screen. Thus, people who watch the collage video can see their reactions afterward. It leads people to think about their behaviors towards the ones who don't suit societies "normal" definition.

Technical Development
The video is prepared for the 1st screen from various sources. The main idea was finding footages to show people that image of woman and man is alterable in between. Different kind of editing techniques were researched and used in the editing. One of the hardest parts of the project was developing the system working on the 2nd screen. The code system is developed by Processing.

Exhibition Details
Reset Exhibition has held from June to August. During that time, more than 200 people have participated to the project. The data collected from participants will be used in an another project.
Confrontation of Acquired Norms - Reset Exhibition

Confrontation of Acquired Norms - Reset Exhibition

Interactive Installation, Social Experiment Project
