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How To Ensure A ‘Good Trip’ With Magic Mushrooms

How To Ensure A ‘Good Trip’ With Magic Mushrooms
Are you depressed and tense and want a long lasting cure from your dark thoughts? It is highly recommended that you take the magic mushroom route to consciousness alteration and liberation!

Psychedelia was a subculture that embraces the usage of psychedelic drugs. Popular in the 1960’s, these psychedelic compounds were found in mushrooms and used to reach a highly transcendental state that encouraged free thought and higher awareness. It was believed that these compounds had the power to change the human brain for the better.

Effect of psilocybin on the human brain

This drug has the power to change the mental makeup of users, and is prone to rearranging the brain. It profoundly alters the conscious pattern of thought, and in more ways than one. The process is not random but occurs as a choreographed sequence in the central nervous system to create a new sequence of neurons. The Hippocampus and thalamus see a sea change in normal activities. With the use of magic mushrooms from, abnormal activities are generated in these areas which are also responsible for beautiful dreams and emotions.

The use of these compounds is effective in subduing the self-awareness center or the ego. Once the user’s self-consciousness is minimal, the activity in the emotional center of the brain starts working overtime, leading to a heightened emotional state. The peak effect of the magic mushroom lasts about 5-6 hours but the effects are longer lasting, stretching to months or even a lifetime. The mushrooms trip can alleviate the effects of the common mental health issues like OCD, stress, anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, but only if used in a controlled way. A small and regular dose is also beneficial in helping terminal patients reconcile themselves to impending death and accept their mortality.

Magic mushrooms have also been found to curb substance abuse and smoking. These compounds create new neural pathways and hyper connectivity in the brain, thereby leading to a deep awareness of the conscious mind. This is beneficial in reducing dependence on cigarettes and other substances. It is important to understand that mushrooms are not addictive on their own but may create psychological dependence. The good part is that even a single dose of the shrooms can be long lasting and sometimes even permanent. It is imperative that the usage is controlled and dosage is small to ensure no complications arise.


Controlled use shrooms can generate a ‘good’ trip and have a far reaching psychological impact. The use of these substances in psychotherapy is still not ratified, but a growing number of mental health practioners are lending their voice to the need for further research in the area. There is substantial scope to use mushrooms as an adjunctant therapy in mental health issues.

If you are looking for some kicking moments in life, then indulge yourself in the goodness of these trips. You will be surprised to see the results.

How To Ensure A ‘Good Trip’ With Magic Mushrooms

How To Ensure A ‘Good Trip’ With Magic Mushrooms

Controlled use shrooms can generate a ‘good’ trip and have a far reaching psychological impact.
