Various ink drawings for Inktober 2016.
Pepper - Fan character for a friend's story (The Man in the Yellow Trench Coat)
Fan art of Jordan from the webcomic Agents of the Realm
Fan art of Rapunzel from Tangled
Fan art redesign of Symmetra's vampire skin from the video game Overwatch
Fan art of the video game Undertale
Fan art of friend's character from the upcoming webcomic Tiene Hills
Not done for Inktober, but still done in ink. Self portrait.
Fan art of Ene Takemoto from Kagerou Project
Original design of an owl warrior
Portrait of my grandparents
Fan art of Widowmaker from the video game Overwatch.
Fan art of Hakura Kane from Tiene Hills
Inktober is really tough
Tools used: Pentel Color Brush with black ink, Micron pens, various highlighters, and two shades of gray Tombow markers. 
Inktober 2016

Inktober 2016

Inktober 2016 drawings. Mostly drawn on 8x5 index cards.
