Created in Cinema 4d as college assignments. and Currently Using Maya and Mudbox
Current work in Progress (7/10/13) 3D model, and duture animation of a wolf, Created in Maya, also using Mudbox.
Assignment 1: 
To create a 3d object of your choosing and place in in an environment.
For my project I decided to construct an object called a Pip-Boy 3000, which exists in Fallout video game series. The model I would be looking at would be based on the two newest games, Fallout 3, and Fallout; New Vegas. Your character wears the Pip-boy on the wrist, and through out the game, it is the primary way to access information such as maps, quests, health, radiation levels, inventory, and time.

Assignment 2: To create a short (under 30 second) animated sting for a brand identity
For this assignment We were asked to create a identity sting. I felt that I wanted to push myself to create something I did not yet know how to do. As my last assignment was a mechanicaldevice I thought that an organic character would serve as an interesting contrast. To simplify the animation process I chose to create a cartoon style character rather than something photo realistic.
The choice of character comes from the cartoon My Little Pony:Friendship is magic, which has become an Internet sensation, and verypopular with those outside its target demographic
3D work

3D work

This is project contains the two assignments made for my 3D module, in which I received very high marks. It contains the final pieces as well as Read More
