Homosonus is an interactive sound installation that designed for Betwixt Festival at Art Science Museum 2016. The objective of the installation is to invite visitors to explore the distance between with a stranger through the sense of sound. Human bodies carry different energy and aura. It is interesting how people can feel this here and then. In order to showcase this, sounds that are triggered in between two people in our HOMOSONUS space would be distinct as they are generated and controlled by completely different individuals, much like the notion that there’s no single human relationship that’s exactly the same as the other. We would like our audiences to experience the distinct soundtrack created with the stranger and perhaps make them wonder if there is more than what meets the eye in what would be expected from a fleeting and meaningless moment.

Marcus Yuen 
Bae SooYoen 
Christie lee 
Pradashini Subramaniam 
Zac Ong 
Jacky Boen



Homosonus is an interactive sound installation that designed for Betwixt Festival at Art Science Musuem 2016. The objective of the installation i Read More
