Dartworks Davide Mancini's profile

When lambs become lions

Album artwork for Dark Reflexions,metalcore combo from Germany.It's been a pleasure working with this guys.Like the title speaks,the album concept was about bravery.So isteand of the classic angry lion,I came up with a sort of holy horned evil lamb for the cover,while a burning heart heads on the back of the album.The rest speak for it self..
Pencil sketch of the cover
Inked cover close up
Colored cover + Logo
Inked inlay and back cover close up
Colored burning inlay
Middle booklet pencils
middle booklet ink close up
Whole artwork advertising
When lambs become lions

When lambs become lions

Album artwork for Dark Reflexions,metalcore combo from Germany.It's been a pleasure working with this guys.Like the title speaks,the album concep Read More
