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Smoking Kill - Short Film

Smoking Kill - PSA Short Film
"Eddie and Tian Tian are best friend. One day, Tian Tian found out that Eddie is smoking
at the school bus stop. He go and stop Eddie, but Eddie doesn't want to listen. One day, Eddie and Tian Tian were jogging at the park, suddenly Eddie fall down. He realized
that his stamina is getting weaker, so he went to hospital with his mom and did a body checkup. The doctor told him that he had lung cancer, and it's the final phase. Eddie was very regret because he didn't listen to Tian Tian for quit smoking. Continue..."

Log Line.
"Quit smoking before smoking quits you."
Production Team.
Director - Koh Chee Yong
Director of Photography - Bradley Sim
Editor - Bradley Sim

Main actor - Eddie Lam
Actor best friend - Cham Tian Tian

"This is the 12 frames storyboard of our short film. We draw it by using Adobe Illustrator."
Poster Design.
"Our poster was shoot inside a dark room with some of cigarette smoke. The smoke we create it by using the vape."
Research and Development Report.

In this Research and development report, I will be reporting my final assignment for digital video. On the first week we are required to team up with one classmate in order to complete this assignment. Koh Chee Yong and I, we have decided to work with together. So on we have decided our story title is ‘Smoking kill’, is about quit smoking, it kills! After deciding our story and got confirm from our lecturer Zui, we started to plan Talents, Wardrobe, props, location, schedule & find assistance.

Continue our work progress our talents we decided Eddie Lam to be our main actor, and Cham Tian Tian is our second actor. We have been approach to a few location to request for letting us shoot in the school and hospital, when is not their business hour, but unfortunately it is not free of charge. So we quickly find another solution is that we can try to use Gilbert house’s guest room to set up like hospital room to shoot. But unfortunately, his house was having some issue so we decided to change location again. For the hospital scene we try to use Chee Yong hostel and luckily we got an empty room. We set up the room like hospital ward, and we used some table lamp for the lighting and a real x-ray from Gilbert’s mom for the prop. We invite Gilbert EE to act doctor and Low Wen Pui to act for the main actor’s mother. Inside the ward, she has to cry because her son is dying. We tried to make her cry so we find some Thailand advertisement to give her watch but she still can’t cry out her tears, so we decided to use water for the teardrop.

Proceed to next scene, the school scene. We decided to shoot outside the school because we need to shoot for the actor smoking, it’s not good to shoot inside the school. For the school uniform, we bought one and another uniform we lend it from Tian Tian’s friend. Before we start shooting, we bought a box of cigarette from seven-eleven, and then we start to shoot at outside SMK Bukit Jalil.

Another scene which needed a garden, so we find few gardens somewhere at Bukit Jalil and finally we found a garden that have the exact same thing we want. In this scene, main actor is jogging with his friend then suddenly fall down and cough, for the fall down shot we took around 8 shots to get the prefect fall down.

And so we completed our shooting. We used 3 days to complete our shooting. Move on to edit all the raw file we have shoot in these 3 days, everything went smooth while editing. Adobe Premiere Pro is the software lecturer Zui requested us to use. We have cut all the scene together and use fast colour correction effect on every raw video we cut to make them look like a family. Secondly found two music for our video, one is for the entire film and another one is for the credits. Our video is without sound effect and talking sound.

Thank you for your time!

Smoking Kill - Short Film

Smoking Kill - Short Film

This project is filming a PSA about smoking. The goal for this project is to telling people to quit smoking before they regret.
