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Claudiane in vintage 30s and 40s

The photoshoot

The visual idea behind this photo shoot was to do something that had a retro old days look to it. A glamour look from the 1930s and 40s was the general look we wanted to get. Also, Marjorie Hardy (The MUA) was inspired by pictures she saw where the photographer had shot through glass.

The model

Claudiane Ruelland is an actress that lives in the Québec city area. She, like most actors, needs portfolio head shots and any sort of photos that can showcase their look. Through a good makeup acquaintance of mine, we put together a photo shoot.

I learned a great deal at this photo shoot. I, for the first time, was faced with the challenge of having an artistic order for my shots. Two aspects were demanded of my photos:

1 - Get shots that have a retro type look to them
2 - Shoot through glass and distort light

All in all the shoot was really cool for plenty of reasons. Claudiane was a real trooper and delivered over and above what an amateur model can deliver. I was really happy with what Marjorie brought to the table in terms of the look. It was dead on.

What I need to improve
I think that I could have improved on bringing a better photographic signature to what was done. Although I like the images, I find that they are a little bit drab and could have been more crazy and off the top.

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Claudiane in vintage 30s and 40s

Claudiane in vintage 30s and 40s

A makeup artist I work with wanted to increase her portfolio and asked me to help her out. She wanted to push a 30s and 40s style glamour look in Read More
