make&take - your signature pizza

Make&Take is a pizza shop that allows its customers to select the ingredients for their pizzas. "Your signature pizza" is baked in less than 5 minutes and comes in a bright box with your name on it. It's that easy to get a pizza named after you.
> Metro ad - "There is no pizza like your pizza"
> Signage 
> Wall Branding - "Pizza after your recipe"
> Uniforms
> T-shirts - "Yours truly - the assistant cook"/ "Your recipe is in good hands"
> Pizza boxes 
Creative Direction - Ivaylo Nedkov
Client Service & Project Management - Vera Schwartz / Nadezhda Stefanova
Graphic Designer -  Ivaylo Nedkov / Tsvetislava Koleva

- Winner / Identity
/ Communication Arts 8th Annual Typography Competition, 2017
-  Silver / Corporate Identity 
/ FARA, 2017
-  Bronze / Packaging
/ FARA, 2017

make&take - your signature pizza

Project Made For

make&take - your signature pizza

Make&Take is a pizza shop that allows its customers to select the ingredients for their pizzas. Your "signature pizza" is baked in less than 5 mi Read More
