Canon 60 D; 24-105 lens; Lighting( Electric incandescent lamp)

After watching the documentary of Gregory Crewdson, I was impressed by the power of composite photography. Working with a small team, we went to the forest, pre-visualized the photo, and then developed a sketch. On the second day, with all things prepared, we headed out and took the picture when the sun just came out.
One of the reason I named this photo as "peeping" is that other than the "stadium", there is a "punctum"--the girl hide behind the tree, which is that accident which might pricks the viewer. 

When I happened to find this forest, it looked abandoned, which made an impression on me. The second time I went with my partners to capture this moment. This time, there were dead plants all around. These plants still had some soil on the bottom, and it was obvious that these were from some plant stores. These poor plants were desired only when they were young and beautiful. After the plants were dead, people threw them here. Then the plants died "again" in this "plants garbage area" without anyone caring. When we are taking about humanity, should we also consider other creatures?

