chiroptophobia (noun)
        Fear of bats, a specific phobia associated with bats and to common negative 
        stereotypes and fear of bats.

Bats actually fear humans; the iconic image of bats swarming out of a cave is actually them fleeing, often leaving their young behind to escape.
The fear of bats doesn’t necessarilly come from swarms of bats, but the leathery wings and mishapen, human-esque hands, as well as the repetitive pattern in which bats fly.
The fear of contracting rabies and the fear of bats sucking blood also plays a role.
The goal of this project is to create a fear of bats in the form of an 24"x36" poster folded down into a 6"x9" rectangle.

Each fold is supposed to build the fear of bats, without physically showing the creature itself, for it's not the bats, but everything associated with them which creates terror.
An old voodoo story about a house being haunted by the ghost of a transparent-skinned woman was used for text, playing off the fear of the humanistic qualities of bats.


An experimental type project meant to create a fear of bats through the medium of a folded poster.
