Bedroom Art
Having two sisters leave the household should be a sad thing, right? No. That means I now have two bedrooms to do whatever I please.  I've decided to accept the challenge of redecorating all of them...including my own:) Yay i'm so excited! I've never done any projects larger that regular art class "crafts" so this could get ...interesting to say the least. So please be nice:) Yes, you're right I have no life, but haters gon hate and potatoes gon potato? idk.... anywho..Enjoy!:)  
Dandelion loosing it's seeds...this sucker was a bitch to do so I hope you like it! The original concept was found on google images but was tweaked to my liking. 
Better angle to be able to see the 3D seeds flying away.
My loving sister gave the 3D seeds to me for christmas two years ago....bout time i used em!
Purple lady. Original concept was found on google. This is now proudly hanging on my wall:)

Bedroom Art

Bedroom Art

Redecorating the empty rooms in my piece of art at a time.
