This is a series of illustrations inspired by the fifteen years that I spent at St Mary’s, an ICSE Girls School in Pune, India. I cherished my time at school and most of my good memories are associated with it. From sleepy morning assemblies to teachers that could write a book on favouritism, hailstorm showers and haunted bathrooms, I have countless incidents that I still recall fondly. St Mary’s was like a safe haven to me, where I truly felt like I belonged.

Morning assemblies at St Mary's were usually quite eventful
I got a lot of : "A convent school? So are you all like... nuns?"
The infamous "Fence" that separated the boys and girls sections was witness to several little instances of puppy love
Conversations in the supposedly haunted bathrooms, provided endless relief and entertainment from dull physics lectures
We had a hailstorm shower once that was quite memorable
Inter-School debates were quite a big deal at St Mary's and sometimes got quite intense...
"Teacher's pets" was quite a popular concept at school
We were always quite democratic about electing our Prefects
Goodbyes are always hard, but this one makes it to the top of the "Hardest Goodbyes Ever" list



Series of Illustrations inspired by school life
