Playing with mud
Altered wheel-thrown vases. Approx 8-12" tall and 6" diameter.
This is a small bottle form I made as an example for my students. It's only about two inches tall, thrown off-the-hump. The split is from blowing into the pot after it's thrown, and before I cut it off. Blowing into the pot after shaping can do some fun things and encourages students to deform pots and experiment with them. By doing this students play with the medium and get better by throwing more.
These are hand built bowls made of assembeled clay slabs. Approximately 4" in diameter and 3-1/2" tall. Cone 6
Sometimes the tools you want or need aren't available in the size or shape you would like. I often go into the garage and make my own tools. The two at the top are ribs for making large bowls ( approx. 6" wide) The bottom two are throwing sticks for making vases and bottle forms. I call them fiddlehead sticks because they were inspired by fiddlehead ferns. These are all made of a Brazilian hardwood that resists extended water immersion. They were scraps I maganged to get from people making larger projects and they would have been thrown away or burned, but they were perfect for my needs.


pots made of clay
