Manipulated or altered?​​​​​​​
Photographic medium is used since his creation as evidence for capturing reality. Later, however, this method of collecting really started gaining uncertainty. This uncertainty has been subject to manipulations in the picture that began in war in photography with retouching negatives, or collages in developing. Manipulations in digital media Photography are even easier, while also further underlined the possible doubts about the authenticity of recording reality. In my work I reflects these facts, manipulation does not interpret in virtual reality in photoshop, but first I change reality and then i make a picture. In this changing curve of reality I using the resources that are already find in a given area, but they are duplicated, removed or added. (lighting, fire extinguisher, air) 

Manipulovať či zasahovať?
Fotografické médium slúžilo od svojho vzniku ako prostriedok na verné zachytenie reality. Neskôr však tento spôsob zachytávania skutočnosti začal naberať na neistote. Táto neistota bola podmienená manipuláciami v obraze, ktoré začínali inscenovaním vo vojnovej fotografii, retušou negatívov, či koláží pri samotnom vyvolávaní. Fotografia v digitálnom médiu tento proces ešte viac uľahčila, pričom ešte viac umocnila možné pochybnosti o autenticite záznamu skutočnosti. V mojej práci reflektujem na tieto skutočnosti, manipuláciu neinterpretujem na fotografiách, ale v realite, ktorú následne zachytávam. V tomto ohybe reality využívam prostriedky, ktoré sa už nachádzali v danom priestore, no boli zduplikované, premiestnené alebo pridané. (verné osvetlenie, hasiaci prístroj, vzduchotechnika)
Manipulated or altered?

Project Made For

Manipulated or altered?

Photographic medium is used since his creation as evidence for capturing reality. Later, however, this method of collecting really started gainin Read More
