Cards by Calliope

Unique and Original Designs for Greeting Cards
This series of greeting card designs is for birthdays, special occasions and inspirational opportunities.  They're colorful, eye catching and and sure to touch the heart of the recipients.  All images are available for licensing on cards or other items.  For details please contact me at

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Sandy Williams
#4013 -- The hot colors of this fox, basking in the light of the sun, are stunning.  The inside of the card says, "Enjoy Your Special Day."

#4007 -- This card would touch a friend in need.  The front says "Reach Out," and the inside says "I'm always there for you."
#4001 -- This striking image will catch anyone's eye!  The front says "Be Aware," and the inside says, "Don't let the good things in life pass you by."
#4002 -- The image of this wolf is enough to make anyone "Stop" and "Listen."  The inside of the card says:  Life is happening all around us.  Make the most of yours."
#4003 -- This cheery card, graced with a sparkling sun, a deer and curvy flowers, will brighten anyone's day.  The inside says:  May your special day be full of all things joyful.
#4004 -- This uniquely designed bird sends a sweet "Hello" to its recipient.  The inside says:  I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and saying "Hello!"
#4005 -- The leaping Dolphins on this card encourage the recipient to "Go For It!"  The inside says:  Live your life to the fullest!
# 4006 -- This friendship card says "Good Friends Are Treasures" on the front, and inside the sentiment is:  Thank you for being my friend.
#4008 -- The stunning silhouette of a horse against the night sky encourages the reader to "Dream Big, Dream Often," and on the inside the card reads:  "And may all your dreams come true."
#4009 -- This Panther slinking through the sunset is a striking image for a Brother's Birthday Card.  The inside reads:  Best Wishes for a Special Day.
#4010 -- This joyful rabbit is bringing Birthday Wishes to a special person.  The inside of the card reads:  Have a Hoppy, Hoppy Birthday!
#4011 -- The eye catching tiger on this card encourages the recipient to "Don't Back Down.  Stand Your Ground!"  The inside says:  Your goals are worth fighting for.
#4012 -- These two Wolves, captures against the snowy winter night, are bringing Birthday Wishes.  The inside reads:  May You Have a Howling Good Day!


Cards by Calliope offers unique and original designs for greeting cards and other products. All designs are available for licensing. For more inf Read More


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