Lincoln Leighton's profile

Silent Promotional Videos

Silent Promotional Videos

Partnering with Studio 301, I directed and edited a couple promotional teasers for the theatre company's performances of "Fuddy Meers" and "Macbeth."

The goal was to conceive and produce:30 second promo teasers to display on closed-circuit television networks, to loop in high-traffic areas. The LCD screens had no speakers so I created videos which did not rely on any audio to tell its story.

For "Fuddy Meers," I shot about 45 minutes of footage, then whittled it down to the requisite :30 seconds. The workflow for "Macbeth" was similar, except I was given footage while filming a few inserts I would use. Both took about 6 to 8 hours to edit.

During these projects, I discovered a joy for creating brisk, rhythmic pace using typography, titles, and video footage. It is always a difficult and demanding task, creating something entirely without sound in this way, but I've found it to be very rewarding and something I have a knack for.
Video Director/Editor
Lincoln Leighton


Silent Promotional Videos

Silent Promotional Videos

Silent promotional videos for Studio 301's "Fuddy Meers" and "Macbeth" performances.
