Tsai MengHong's profile

Reduce carbon project_IKEA sustainability

Carbon reduce project
IKEA focus on sustainability issue in recent year and launch many product for that. I combine the popular issue of reduce carbon and home furnish life. Building ten scenarios of every life and give the solution about sustainability with IKEA product.
And, I make the effect of carbon reduction quantify, let customer feeling stronger.
Sustainability in bedroom
Offer bedroom solution about reduce the temperature, including choose the breathable quilt, cool pillow and insulated curtain for saving energy.
A tap with a water-saving function reduces usage by more than 30%. Also can use some tips idea for reusing water.
Clever laundry method
Teaching customer to get the clothes together for washing and promote the laundry basket sales.
Introduce the SENSUELL series of pots which can cook with lower temperature and save energy with the three layers of materials.
Give the message about food storage in everyday life can achieve the effect of reducing carbon. Share the knowledge about food storage to customer and promote the product like storage tank and crisper.
Also, use the racking to simulate into a refrigerator for share the home furnishing knowledge about storage.
Introduce the garbage sorting bucket and encourage customer to do the recycle.
Talking about energy saving by adjust the home light source. Change to LED lighting or use centralized light can reduce the cost of electric easily.
Green plant is the most intuitive idea about sustainability. Use plant pot or plant stander can create a green space at home.
Sustainability material
Bamboo is a green and low carbon material that can be quickly updated.
Ikea launch many product with bamboo and they are more friendly than other product. Also, use the super graphic and real bamboo to create an eye catching visual to stimulate customer interest.
Promote the carry cups and bags to reduce the waste.
Reduce carbon project_IKEA sustainability

Reduce carbon project_IKEA sustainability
