Punpitchaya Sroymano's profile

The Surrealism in Mundane Objects

The project consists of a series of 6 digital paintings that depict surrealistic concepts with everyday objects.

“Everyday objects” are mass-produced objects and could be given a new connection to the other objects, showing a new role or strange function when arranged in the way that we have never seen it before.

To challenge reason and tap into subconscious while conveying some messages that are also open to interpretation because our minds have different aspects to certain objects in life. Inspired by surreal art, this project aims to trivialise rationalism and realism.

The Breakfast Sunbath

The Fettuccini and Tennis Balls

The Champagne Shower

Where to Get Morning Ideas

She’s Not Forgetting Her Keys

Crying or Not

The Surrealism in Mundane Objects


The Surrealism in Mundane Objects

A series of 6 digital paintings that depict surrealistic concepts played in everyday objects.
