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To Kill A Mockingbird book cover

Here is the redesign book cover of "To Kill A Mockingbird" for the competition, The Penguin Random House Student Design Award 2017.

"To Kill A Mocking Bird" is a novel written by Harper Lee. It is a story about non-equal between humanities, and a few lesson taught by a little girl. In the research, most of the previous book cover have the common image, a dead mockingbird. Those images literately show the meaning of the title, however, it doesn't really say more. 

Therefore, I have tried to add more visual element in the book cover, such as a man, Atticus Finch, who's the main character from the story, or a coffin which represent "the truth was buried in the ground with no justice".
The design concept of the one above is everyone was once a mockingbird, so pure and so true, however, some reasons just make us hiding the truth.
The two above is to emphasize the other theme of the story, "non-equal". Moreover, using just black and white is trying to make it simple, as it is a classic reader for all the time.

Thank you!
To Kill A Mockingbird book cover

To Kill A Mockingbird book cover
