Jasper: Travel Management Mobile App

Jasper: Group Travel Management Mobile App

Jasper is a group travel app designed to manage important traveler personal information and itineraries for travelers of varied ages and trips of different types. The existing systems allows trip organizers and leaders easy access to medical, legal, and contact information. Our client wishes also to be able to use the app to facilitate check-ins at important event and roll calls to track who is present on the fly. The client hopes to leverage location services to both aid the check in and roll call process, but also as a safety measure in the instance that travelers are missing. Our design focussed on the implementation of such features, and was built to adapt to an array of trip and user types; from a middle school field trips to business trips.
Navigation between the app's screens is managed by this side panel for all users. For travelers and leaders alike, the events schedule is considered the interface's default home screen. Notice that in addition to all of the traveler functions, the trip leader has access to a schedule manager, a roll call function, and a map where they can view their traveler's locations.
Traveler Interface
The home screen that travelers will see is highlighted by an expanded description of the next upcoming event. The time, location, a brief description if necessary, and a check-in button if required, show the traveler all they need to know to ensure they can follow their schedule. Notice that the check-in button remains greyed out, as check in for the next event isn't yet active. The button would not appear if this upcoming event did not require a check-in. Future events that similarly require a check-in are shown in green in the events list. Notice from the screen on the right that you can scroll back in time and view events that have already occurred as well.
The left screen shows that future events can be expanded to view the description and check-in location. The center screen would be shown to travelers once the check-in has gone live if the traveler is too far from the required location to accept the check-in. The right screen appears when both the check in is live and the traveler is at the set location.
The left screen will appear once a traveler has checked in. If the check in window passes and the traveler still has not checked in, the traveler would see the right screen, alerting them that they've missed the check-in and prompting them to contact their leader.
Trip Leader Tools
While the client did not require that our design to focus heavily on itinerary management, these screens offer one solution. The most critical functionality of these screens allows trip leaders to set location requirements for event check ins when creating and editing events.
The schedule screen for trip leaders mimics that of travelers. When trip leaders view their schedule screen, however, rather than needing to check themselves in, they'll have the ability to view the status of active check-ins. In an ideal scenario, the right screen will appear once all travelers have checked in before the check-in deadline ends.
When a trip leader clicks to view current trip status they'll arrive at the left screen. Not all trips must have groups, but large groups can be separated into subgroups which are assigned a leader. This hierarchy aids in managing check-ins and roll calls. Notice that currently just two students are unaccounted for. Blake and Tim simply have yet to arrive, but Eddie has been excused, so he isn't included in the tally and appears in a separate category. Excuses help trip leaders handle situations, such a student going home sick, where the traveler isn't going to be present, but that's okay.
If a teacher wants to mark a student present manually, without that student having to accept that check-in on their device, they can do so by clicking the empty box next to their name. This is useful in situations where a student doesn't have access to their device, or if the leader prefers checking-in manually. The screen on the right appears if a leader clicks on the traveler name plate and allows quick access to traveler information and location. From here the leader can contact the traveler, or if they aren't concerned about their presence at check-ins, they can click "Excuse" and then specify a number of events, days, or a set time to excuse the traveler from them.
If travelers are likely to be absent or tardy for a check-in, they have the ability to message their trip or group leaders with direct, one-to-one messaging. While travelers would only be able to message their supervisors, the leaders can message all travelers through the interface to the right. Trip leaders also have a group chat with the group leaders that serve below them. Notice in the right screen that a group leader has communicated to the trip leader that they are missing one of their students, and that another student has let the trip leader know they need help. Messaging is intended for these and similar purposes, not casual chat, which is why no traveler to traveler chat is permitted in the messaging tab.
Independent of events and check-ins. Leaders have the ability to call roll at any time during the day. The roll call screen on the left archives past roll calls, which can be clicked-on to reveal more information. When the leader clicks to create a new roll call, they'll see the screen at the right. Trip leaders will have the ability to call for all groups or individual groups, while group leaders will only have the option to call roll for their group. Additionally, both must decide if they want to require travelers to be within a certain distance of them in order to accept the roll call prompt. 
The roll call screen mimics the check-in screen, shows the leader when the roll call began, and allows the leader to end the call at any time. They can also navigate out of the roll call and return later. The screen on the right shows what's displayed on the roll call home page in this instance, while a roll call is active.
Jasper: Travel Management Mobile App