Inn 1897, author Mark Twain said of Varanasi, "Benares is older than history, older than tradition, older even than legend, and looks twice as old as all of them put together."

Manikarnika is the heart of Hinduism, the holiest place of the holiest city of India. This video is a work on symbols.

Shot during 3 nights and edited in less than 4 hours.
The fire of Shiva has never been extinguished for thousands of years. All the pyres of cremations are lit from one of its embers.
Dom Raja, the protector of the fire of Shiva and King of Varanasi. His family watches over the Shiva's fire from father to son for millennia. He is the most respected of Varanasi.
Rahul praying during the Shiva Temple's ceremony.
The Brahman's cremation ground.

This man was burning his father at this very moment and asked me to film him.

Babaji, an old and wise man living in the streets of Manikarnika.
Before yesterday evening, when I was returning from shooting at a late hour, an Indian accosted me. Tired and hungry, I tell him that I prefer to go back before I can not find food.
- "Sit down and listen to me, if you do not listen to people, then you will never know... Listen to me: you are in the city of Shiva. No one, you hear me, no one sleeps without having eaten at least once a day in the city of Shiva ".

Yesterday, still filming at a late hour and empty belly, this man came in the middle of the small circle of 5 people we were forming with Babaji, Vinek, Dom Raja and two other people. He gave to each one a small piece of biscuit, including to the goat of Babaji.

Every day, for years, this man goes around the city at nightfall and gives food to each person. A tiny bit of biscuit, smaller than the nail of my little finger.

No one sleeps without having eaten at least once a day in the city of Shiva.

Looking at the cremations.
A man who cuts the logs of cremations.
This scale is used to weigh the 300 kilos of wood required for a cremation.

A fire.
ER 35 // Symbols

ER 35 // Symbols

The Manikarnika district of Varanasi
